Fire extinguishers & smoke detectors
As every extinguisher has its own field of action and extinguishing capacity, Ginge-Kerr Luxembourg will help you define your requirements and determine the types and quantities of extinguishers required.
Just trust us !

Being a first response tool, fire extinguishers can be used to extinguish or contain a fire outbreak before the arrival of the emergency services.
When properly used, portable extinguishers limit the damage caused by a fire; do not hesitate to contact us to make if your teams need assistance with their use.a
Standalone smoke detector
Standalone smoke detectors are used to signal the appearance of fumes emitted at the start of a fire and to alert the occupants of the building by means of an audible signal to allow evacuation.
Did you know?
Since 1 January 2020 and the Grand Ducal Decree of 6 December 2019, a smoke detector must be installed in every bedroom and in escape routes.
Make sure you install it !
Ginge-Kerr brings you its global expertise
Please do not hesitate to call us if you need more information.a